When I launched Lunchbox 10 months ago, I wanted to create a brand that set me apart from other videographers in the scene. I built my videos around a "cable-core" aesthetic, similar to how MTV and TV stations broadcast live sets back in the day. But as I continued developing Lunchbox, I stumbled upon something that would take my vision even further: SAMusicScene.net.
While digging through the Internet Archives, I discovered this hidden gem, a nonprofit media outlet that covered the San Antonio music scene from 2002 to 2007. Created by "Jess Mess," SAMusicScene.net was a hub for local music coverage, featuring articles, reviews, a massive database of over 348 bands and venues across Texas, a show calendar, and even community resources like archives, flyers, and a classifieds section.
Initially, I had only planned to reband Lunchbox as a webshow, sticking to my original aesthetic. But the idea of reviving something like SAMusicScene.net kept pulling at me. So, with the help of my friends; Noah, Smiggles, and Cacalo, we took the leap. Transforming Lunchbox into a full-fledged media outlet.
Two months in, we've already collaborated with artists, venues, and bands to bring the best of our scene straight to you. Our mission is clear: to deliver informative and reliable coverage, capture the raw energy of live shows, rediscover past scene alumni, and keep you up to date on local events and opportunities.
To everyone who has supported us so far, thank you. We're just getting started..